Seward Empty Nesters #2: Walking distance to Concordia, Nebraska (year-round, private room)

  • E344558B 0C08 41C1 B2BC 5868AF5AEB9C 768x576
  • 1C777F9F 9966 457B B912 F314F14C3D0A
  • 93A3FE72 B881 4926 BD6E DC22D85D87C2
  • 932A8B72 DE29 4A0C A7AB C4B7EE91D5A1 768x433
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  • 1 Reviews on “Seward Empty Nesters #2: Walking distance to Concordia, Nebraska (year-round, private room)”

    • Sarah Black
      7 years ago

      We had a lovely overnight stay. This was the perfect place for us while our son visited Concordia’s campus!

    Leave a Review

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Listing Category: Private RoomListing Tags: breakfast, smoke-free, walk-to-Concordia, and wifi